Matthew 27:11-26
by Mike Deguzman
I. Who Was He?
II. What Did He Claim?
A. He Claimed to: Come Down From heaven
John 6:41-42
John 6:66
B. He Claimed to Be: The Son of Man
Daniel 7:13-14
C. He Claimed to Be: God the Son
Mark 14:61-64
John 10:27-33
Matthew 26:63-66
Exodus 3:13-14
John 8:56-59
John 18:3-8
III. What Did He Do?
A. He Performed Miracles
Mark 1:40-41
B. He Lived a Sinless Life
John 8:46a
C. He Died a Sacrificial Death
D. He Resurrected From Death
IV. What Shall I Do?
John 14:6
John 11:25-26
Acts 4:12