Matthew Part 23: Godly Fasting

Godly Fasting
Matthew 6:16-18

by Mike Deguzman

Matthew 9:14-15

Biblical fasting is the voluntary abstaining of food (and sometimes drink as well) for a specific amount of time for a spiritual purpose (in slides and bulletin)

Daniel 1:15

1. Misconceptions of Fasting

2. Biblical Examples of Fasting

Four Types of Fasts in the Bible

     A. The Regular Fast

2 Chronicles 20:3
Ezra 8:21

     B. The Absolute Fast

Esther 4:16
Deuteronomy 9:9

     C. The National Fast

     D. The Private Fast

3. Spiritual Dangers of Fasting

     A. Being Gloomy

     B. Stealing Glory

4. Biblical Reasons for Fasting

     A. To Seek God’s Guidance

Judges 20:26
Acts 14:23

     B. To Express Repentance

     C. To Express Worship

Acts 13:1-3

5. Practical Ways of Fasting