Romans Part 47: Unfathomable!

Romans 11:33-36

by Mike Deguzman

Romans 1:14-17
Romans 3:10-12
Romans 4:1-5
Romans 5:1
Romans 5:8
Romans 6:1-2
Romans 7:18-19
Romans 8:28-32

“The history of mankind will probably show that no people has ever risen above its religion, and man’s spiritual history will positively demonstrate that no religion has ever been greater than its idea of God.” ~ A. W. Tozer

1. The Mysteriousness of God

Psalm 19:1
Psalm 8:3-4

2. The Autonomy of God

Psalm 150:6

3. All Glory to God

Romans 3:23
1 Peter 2:9
Ephesians 3:20-21
John 15:8


1. True Worship is Founded in Truth

2. The Study of Truth Leads to True Worship

3. Truths That Exalt God Lead to Joyful Worship

4. We Do Not Need To Know All Truth In Order to Worship