Romans Part 15: A Description of and Invitation to Saving Faith

Romans 4:17b-25

by Mike Deguzman

1. Saving Faith is: Life Changing

2. Saving Faith is: Divinely Initiated

John 6:44
Romans 10:17

3. Saving Faith is: Personal

4. Saving Faith is: Repentant

5. Saving Faith is: Priority

Genesis 17:15-21
Genesis 18:11-14a
Genesis 21:2-6

6. Saving Faith is: Decisive

7. Saving Faith is: Cognitive

8. Saving Faith is: Humble

9. Saving Faith is: Dynamic

10. Saving Faith is: Obedient

Romans 1:5
Acts 17:30-31

11. Saving Faith is: Confident

Hebrews 11:1

12. Saving Faith is: Irrevocable

1 John 2:19

13. Saving Faith is: Mulitiplying

Small Group Questions:

1.How is having a hope that goes beyond all human hope an encouragement or comfort to you? Why? 

2.Which of the characteristics of saving faith are the most encouraging, comforting, and challenging to you? Why?

3.In understanding that saving faith is “cognitive,” what information do you think a person has to understand in order to be justified?