8 Week Evangelism Course

with Alan Beckwith

Thursdays beginning March 26th | 6:30-8:30pm |Y Meeting Room

Do you find it difficult to share your faith?

Do you get nervous or scared at the idea of walking up to someone and sharing the gospel with them?

Do you get tongue-tied or freeze up, and don’t know what to say at all?

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions then you are in good company because… WE ALL DO!

Isn’t it ironic (and perhaps even strategically planned by the enemy) that one of the GREATEST fears in the Christian church today is one of the very things that Christians are called to do? And that is to share their faith with non-believers.

It is estimated that only 2% of Christians share their faith, and yet we, as followers of Christ, are commanded by Jesus in Mark 16:15 to go out into the world and proclaim the gospel to everyone. Somehow we think “the world” means oversees – but it doesn’t! It means everywhere – including our own back yards! So why do 98% of Christians NOT share their faith? The two main reasons are FEAR and not being adequately prepared.

A few years ago I stumbled upon an evangelism course called, “Way of the Master” by Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron. This series addresses those two issues (and a whole lot more) and EQUIPS you to share your faith confidently, biblically, and effectively.

Learning how to share your faith confidently and effectively is exciting. I’ve taught this course about 6 times and have taken many groups to share the gospel at the Ocala Square. Would you believe, the #1 response we get from non-believers is, “Thank you for sharing that with me,” – isn’t that awesome?!

So, I encourage you to prayerfully consider the words of Jesus in Mark 16:15, make time to “Get Equipped”, and join us as we study the “Way of the Master.” It not only will be a great time of equipping, but will also be a great time strengthening relationships, building each other up, and preparing ourselves to make Jesus known to the “world” (a.k.a. our local community!) around us.

We will be meeting for 8 Thursday evenings from 6:30 – 8:30pm beginning March 26th.

Here are a couple of clips to encourage you.

Don’t be Afraid to Share Your Faith

Fishless Fishermen’s Fellowship