Monday, March 16th

In yesterday’s sermon, we talked about the need to remove fear and replace it with love. When considering this current pandemic, we must ask, “What is the most loving thing to do for our church and community?” As you know, there are growing concerns and changing recommendations from our local, state, and national governments as they try to keep this virus from spreading to those who would be tragically affected. With this in mind, the Elders of CBC Ocala have decided to make changes to our church schedule for the next 2 weeks. Effective immediately, we are suspending the following church events through the end of March:

  • Sunday morning Sunday School and Nursery.
  • Women’s and men’s weekly Bible studies.
  • All small group meetings.

Currently, our Sunday morning worship service will continue as scheduled. We will regularly evaluate this situation with input from the YMCA, local, state, national governments, and prayerful consideration of the situation as it unfolds. Any changes and updates will be communicated through our newsletter (email), website, and social media. We plan to live stream our worship service over the next two weeks to accommodate those who choose to participate from home. 

All individual counseling will continue as scheduled.  Should there be a health concern, Skype meetings are possible.

These modifications to the schedule are being made with much prayer and consideration.  We desire to follow God’s direction, then the direction of our government, as well as use wisdom to protect our brothers and sisters most at risk and not unnecessarily put anyone at undue risk.   

We ask those who attend worship services:

  • Please refrain from physical contact. We recommend a friendly wave and warm smile.
  • Please practice social distancing, allowing for 2 seats in between families.
  • Regularly wash hands.  Use hand sanitizer. Refrain from touching your face.
  • If you sneeze or cough, do so in the crook of your elbow or into facial tissue which is to be
  • thrown away.  Follow up by washing hands.

– CBC  Elders