Genesis Part 36: Blessing at Beersheba

Blessing at Beersheba
Genesis 21:22-34

by Mike Deguzman

Psalm 15:1-4
Psalm 24:3-4
Psalm 89:3
Psalm 89:35
Psalm 110:4a
Isaiah 14:24
Numbers 23:19
Matthew 5:37
James 5:12

1. An Agreement for Peace

Genesis 20:17-18
Prov 16:7
Matthew 5:16
1 Peter 2:12-17

2. A Restoration of Peace

Genesis 20:14-15
Romans 12:18
1 Corinthians 6:7-8

3. A Lifestyle of Peace

Psalm 90:2


1. Watch Your Testimony

2. Pursue Peace

Romans 12:17-21

3. Call on God