Matthew Part 16: In Pursuit of Purity
In Pursuit of PurityMatthew 5:27-30 by Mike Deguzman Matthew 15:19 1. Avoid Adultery Proverbs 5:3-5Proverbs 6:24-29Proverbs 6:32-33Proverbs 7:6-27 a. Adultery Begins with Seduction Proverbs 6:27-28 b. Adultery Results from Choices 2. Pursue …
Special Message: Our Risen Life
Colossians 3:1-4 Guest Speaker …
Matthew Part 15: Reconciling Murderers!
Reconciling Murderers!Matthew 5:21-26 by Mike Deguzman John 5:39 1. The Law’s Requirement Exodus 20:13Exodus 22:1-3Romans 13:1-4 2. The Law’s Intent Jeremiah 17:10 3. The Law’s Point Hebrews 12:14-15Ephesians 4:1-3Psalm 51:16-17 a. Ignored Anger …
Matthew Part 13: The Influence of Kingdom Citizens (Part 2)
The Influence of Kingdom Citizens (Part 2)Matthew 5:14-16 by Mike Deguzman Matthew 6:22-23 1. The Identification 2. The Illustration Hebrews 10:25Malachi 1:2Malachi 1:7-8Luke 6:46Matthew 23:24Romans 2:17-241 John 1:5-7Psalm 119:105Luke 1:79 3. …
Matthew Part 12: The Influence of Kingdom Citizens (Part 1)
The Influence of Kingdom Citizens (Part 1)Matthew 5:13 by Mike Deguzman John 17:15-18 1. The Influence of Salt A. Seasoning Job 6:6Colossians 4:6 B. Healing Galatians 2:11-13Galatians 6:1-2 C. Preserving 2. …
Matthew Part 11: The Heart of the Kingdom Citizen (Part 3)
The Heart of the Kingdom Citizen (Part 3)Matthew 5:7-12 by Mike Deguzman 1. To Be Merciful – Our Attitude Toward Forgiveness Ephesians 2:4-5Matthew 18:21-35James 2:13 2. To Be Pure in Heart – Our Attitude Toward Holiness Jeremiah …
Matthew Part 10: The Heart of the Kingdom Citizen (Part 2)
The Heart of the Kingdom Citizen (Part 2)Matthew 5:4-6 by Mike Deguzman Luke 18:14 1. To Mourn – Our Attitude Toward Sin Isaiah 61:1-2Isaiah 40:1-2Psalm 119:136Psalm 51:2-4Psalm 32:1-5 2. To Be Gentle – Our Attitude …
Matthew Part 9:The Heart of the Kingdom Citizen (Part 1)
The Heart of the Kingdom Citizen (Part 1)Matthew 5:1-3 by Mike Deguzman Matthew 7:28-29Matthew 5:20Matthew 7:13-14 1. The Personality of the Spiritually Poor Luke 16:20-21Matthew 19:16-22Ephesians 2:8-9John 15:5Matthew 8:5-10Matthew 15:21-28Luke 18:9-14…
Matthew Part 8: Follow Me!
Matthew 4:12-25Follow Me! by Mike Deguzman Matthew 16:13-16 1. The Person To Follow Luke 3:10-14Luke 3:18-20Philippians 2:6-11Colossians 1:15-18Matthew 11:23-24 2 The Requirement To Follow John 1:35-40John 14:15John 10:271 John 2:3-6James 1:12…