Romans Part 49: Separate From the World
Separated From the WorldRomans 12:2 by Mike Deguzman I. The Negative Command: Do Not Be Conformed 1 John 2:151 John 2:16 1. Lust of the Flesh – The Desire to Feel 2. Lust of the Eyes …
Romans Part 48: Surrendered to God!
Surrendered to God!Romans 12:1 by Mike Deguzman Romans 12:17-21Ezekiel 3:17Ezekiel 33:30-32 1. The Problem 2. The Command Luke 9:23b-24 3. The Motivation Galatians 3:25-271 Peter 2:9-12Ephesians 2:4-9Psalm 84:11Matthew 7:11 4. The Reason…
Romans Part 47: Unfathomable!
Unfathomable!Romans 11:33-36 by Mike Deguzman Romans 1:14-17Romans 3:10-12Romans 4:1-5Romans 5:1Romans 5:8Romans 6:1-2Romans 7:18-19Romans 8:28-32 “The history of mankind will probably show that no people has ever risen above its religion, and man’s …
Romans Part 46: The Mystery of God’s Mercy
Romans 11:25-32The Mystery of God’s Mercy by Mike Deguzman 2 Timothy 3:16-17 1. The Clarification Luke 21:24John 10:16 2. The Certainty Revelation 7:3-10Revelation 14:1-5 3. The Comparisons Romans 5:10Colossians 1:21-22James 4:4Romans 11:6Galatians 2:21 …
Romans Part 45: A Beautiful Plan for Glory
A Beautiful Plan for GloryRomans 11:11-24 by Mike Deguzman I. Beauty in Transgression Acts 13:46Acts 18:6 II. Beauty in Jealousy Acts 5:17Acts 13:45Matthew 5:16 III. Beauty in Humility Numbers 15:17-21Colossians 1:18Proverbs 8:13Proverbs 14:27…
Romans Part 44: Proof That God Has Not Rejected Israel
Proof That God Has Not Rejected IsraelRomans 11:1-10 by Mike Deguzman 1. Personal Proof 1 Timothy 1:15-16Philippians 3:3-6Acts 9:1-2Acts 9:11-17a 2. Theological Proof Ephesians 1:4-5 3. Historical Proof 1 Kings 19:1-131 Kings 19:18 4. Gracious…
Roman Part 43: The Gospel Proclamation and Rejection
The Gospel’s Proclamation and RejectionRomans 10:14-21 by Mike Deguzman I. The Statement of the Gospel II. The Questions to Receiving the Gospel Isaiah 52:7 III. The Result of Rejecting the Gospel 1 Corinthians 1:18Acts 17:30John 12:37-41 Result …
Romans Part 42: How to Miss The Messiah
How to Miss the MessiahRomans 10:5-13 by Mike Deguzman Step 1: Stay Strong James 2;10Galatians 3:10 Step 2: Stay Near Deuteronomy 30:11-14Philippians 3:8-92 Corinthians 5:21Mark 12:32-24a Step 3: Stay Neutral John 5:18Philippians 2:10-11a1 …
Romans Part 41: Misplaced Zeal
Misplaced ZealRomans 9:30 – 10:4 By Mike Deguzman 1. The Surprising Ones 2. The Stumbling Ones Matthew 21:31b (Truly I say to you…)Luke 18:9-14Philippians 3:3-6Philippians 3:7-9Galatians 2:21Isaiah 8:14John 14:6Acts 4:12 God has …
Romans Part 40: The Sovereign Purposes of God
The Sovereign Purposes of GodRomans 9:19-29 by Mike Deguzman Genesis 25:33 1. God’s Sovereign Purposes Debated Job 38:2-12Job 42:1-6Jeremiah 18:1-6Jeremiah 18:7-8 “I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her …