Author: Christina Smith

  • Genesis Part 34: A Failing Saint and a Faithful God

    A Failing Saint and a Faithful God Genesis 20:1-18 by Mike Deguzman 1. Abraham’s Sin Returns 2 Peter 2:14 2. God’s Sovereignty Reigns Psalm 51:3-4Romans 6:1-2 3. Abimelech’s Right Rebuke 4. Abraham’s Self Rationalization 5. Abimelech’s Generous Restoration 6. …

  • Introduction to the Training Program

  • This Sunday!

    Here are the details for our first in-person gathering this Sunday. | 352-680-0056 CBC-Phase-One-GuidelinesDownload…

  • CBC Prayer Meeting – Tuesday, March 31st at 8:00pm

    What a wonderful time our church family had together last week in our online prayer meeting. This week, I will host a Zoom meeting that will include a CBC update, report from a missionary family in East Asia, a couple of worship songs, and …

  • Saturday, March 21st

    What a unique time this is for our world and the church! It’s times like these that encourage creativity, flexibility, and a new way of doing things. At CBC, we are choosing to embrace change and continue to get better …

  • Tuesday, March 17th

    Changes for the Next Two Weeks: Yesterday afternoon we received a notice from the Y that they will be closing their facility until at least March 30. This closing includes all activities including our church services. After prayerful consideration and …

  • Monday, March 16th

    In yesterday’s sermon, we talked about the need to remove fear and replace it with love. When considering this current pandemic, we must ask, “What is the most loving thing to do for our church and community?” As you know, …

  • 8 Week Evangelism Course

    with Alan Beckwith Thursdays beginning March 26th | 6:30-8:30pm |Y Meeting Room Do you find it difficult to share your faith? Do you get nervous or scared at the idea of walking up to someone and sharing the gospel with …

  • A Debt-Free Christmas

    There are only eight more Sundays until Christmas! In our household they’ve already started watching Christmas movies (notice I said “they” not “we?”)!  If you haven’t already started planning for how to get through this season without the anxiety that …

  • Does the Bible Condone Slavery?

    This past Sunday I preached on the Book of Philemon. Philemon has often been used as a book to say the Bible can’t be trustworthy because Paul endorsed slavery in telling a runaway slave (Onesimus) to return to his master …